Summers 2k18

Nikhil, 03 August 2018

Bonjour people!

The summers of 2018 really proved for me a golden time when I got to learn a lot of things related to web development. The two and a half months was such a long period of time where I got to meet my friends, attend family functions and learn webd now and then.

So it all started when the seniors in KOSS asked us to make our own blog using jekyll. ‘Jekyll’, I had no idea what it was. I just concluded that it is a static web page generator which helps us build our web page and keep it up and running. But honestly I had no idea where to start from. Having talked to seniors, they asked me to start from scratch. Here I present a proper timeline with how I moved ahead in my summers. I will also link the courses I followed in my learning experience.

10th May to 20th May: I spent the initial few days learning the basics of HTML: how to build paragraphs, divisions, create a hyperlink, link an image to the webpage. After this I shifted to learning basics of CSS, its designing techniques, and how we can actually beautify our website and make it more lively. HTML and CSS

21st May to 30th May: Having made my own web page using HTML and CSS, I then started learning jekyll. It actually impressed me a lot, how we can just write a text file (maand jekyll rkdown format) automatically converts it into a webpage. This reduces a lot of effort in building and desgining pages and helps us as a programmer to focus on important components of a webpage. I finallly hosted the jekyll theme on github and my blog is currently up and runnning. Nikhil Choudhary’s personal blog. If someone wants to learn jekyll, go through the jekyll docs available online.

1st June to 8th June: Having learnt the basics of frontend, I thought of shifting to backend now. I did a course on Introduction to relational databases on udacity and it gave me a brief knowledge about SQL and how to manage a database, but couldn’t continue much then.

9th June to 15th June: This week I thought of learning certain concepts of Authentication and Authorisation, OAuth 2.0, how it works, advantages of having a third party authentication, which ultimately forced me to have a basic knowledge of how APIs work and its advantages.

16th June to 30th June: Due to family enagagements, I couldn’t learn much during this time, so I just brushed up my previous knowledge. I revised JAVA, C and leant some basic syntax of javascript.

1st July to 15th July: In the last month, I was fully engaged in database management using SQLalchemy. I found it really fascinating and learnt how we can actually store the data in the backend. I simultaneously learnt to build a server of my own, followed by flask. Using all these concepts, I have built a restaurant menu app which actually conatins a list of restaurant and menus and we can do the CRUD operations in there(Create, Read, Update, Delete). This is an excellent course on udacity Full Stack Foundation which every beginner must go through.